
We help create inclusive content that challenges dominant narratives and increases representation from communities that have been marginalized by people who are cisgender, heterosexual, white, toxically masculine, in positions of power, not disabled, and/or wealthy.

We specialize in representation and inclusion, but it goes much deeper than that. We are passionate about storytelling. It’s not only about telling a story that includes a trans woman of color. It’s about helping a trans woman of color to own her narrative so that it can be told authentically.

We include people from our community in every part of the process of every single story we tell.

We work across industries, from television and film to marketing and advertising, and are eager to work with companies, large and small. With decades of experience, our team has worked with some of the world’s coolest, most loved companies. We work with our partners (clients like you) in ways that feel most useful to them. Ultimately, our goal is to work alongside our partners to create the most inclusive, most impactful content.

Why? We believe content changes the world. By including people from marginalized communities, we reinforce their existence, we value their identity, and we paint a picture of a world that looks and feels more like the one in which we all live.

We engineer a new norm that doesn’t always default to a dominant narrative.

We’d love to work together. What does that look like for you? From ideation to program implementation, from pre- to post- production, how can we be most helpful? How can we, together, create content that catalyzes the best kind of change for all of us?

Let’s do it!